I do love a good challenge and anyone who’s been following me for a while knows I’ve done many on the blog over the last couple of years... Whilst, everyone has really enjoyed them, and the losses have been phenomenal, the numbers just got too big for me to handle and it wasn’t fun for anyone anymore… (Lottery win please so I can blog full time!)
It’s competitive… it’s dog-eat-dog... and cut throat! A bit of healthy competition really does work! The rules are - THERE ARE NO RULES! (Well, there’s a couple but it’s all good fun so no haters please!)
We also thought we’d make it interesting by putting our money where our gobs are! If there’s a winner, there’s got to be a prize right?! So we’re having a champions pot… When we weigh in and if we gain weight, it’s €20 in the pot… but if we lose we add €5! We were thinking the winner gets the money in tequila shots but the hangovers just aren’t worth it anymore plus who has those kinda SmartPoints to play with!? One of our all time fav Weight Watcher people and amazing leader (ALL of her members have told me how fabliss she is!), Catherine Ryan, is currently going through her own challenge with breast cancer and we thought we’d donate our ‘Weight Loss Dollars’ to Breast Cancer Ireland on her behalf! John has set up a charity page, so even if you don’t do the challenge and you want to give to a very worthy cause... You can pop over >>> HERE <<< and donate… Harassing family, work colleagues and strangers is allowed in the rules of this challenge! Remember October is Breast Cancer awareness month so you’ll be ahead of the game!
This challenge will end on the bank holiday weekend in October when another group of amazing people will be running the mini marathon in Limerick on behalf of this amazing lady! If you want to join in, head to the Facebook page >>> HERE <<< and show your support... if you can't get to the event then shake your pom poms or leave them loads of encouragement for the big event!
This challenge will end on the bank holiday weekend in October when another group of amazing people will be running the mini marathon in Limerick on behalf of this amazing lady! If you want to join in, head to the Facebook page >>> HERE <<< and show your support... if you can't get to the event then shake your pom poms or leave them loads of encouragement for the big event!
So #TEAMDoll and #TEAMJQ will be weighing in every Thursday with our results and we’ll both be posting our weight losses (!) and the challenges we've faced that week! Plus in the spirit of the challenge there will be plenty of smack talk and 'Conor McGregor' type gestures! (Although if you're going to throw a water bottle at someone, you MUST drink the contents first, it aids digestion and flushes out the toxins!!!)
If you don’t want to give to charity, make it a healthy competition between you and your bestie… Maybe the loser buys the drinks at your halloween party, or treats you both to a mani/pedi... It could be a voucher for somewhere fancy or a cookbook you’ve both always wanted… It's totally up to you but it’s just another incentive to stay on track for at least 8 weeks and win something at the end of it! Plus the winner gets the prize AND all the glory… I'm thinking there should be a crown involved somewhere, leave that with me!
Tomorrows post will have the rules (THERE ARE NO RULES!) and the chart you need to commence battle! Choose your opponent well and lets smash the next 8 weeks! 1lb a week can be over 7lbs or 3kg gone for Halloween!
#teamDOLL or #teamJQ ...YOU DECIDE!
Dun... dun... DUNNNNNNN!
Yes please! The BF and I have already decided to compete to see who can lose the most weight in September and the loser pays for a full works date night. Pushing the challenge out to 2 months will bring us up to our holidays, good timing to have lost a bit of weight!
ReplyDelete#teamdoll lol